马欣荣 职 务: 职 称:研究员 学 历:博士研究生
电 话:028-82890415 传 真:028-82890288 通讯地址:四川省成都市武侯区人民南路四段九号
邮政编码:610041 电子邮件:maxr@cib.ac.cn













      国家重点研发项目“新型高效植物生长调节剂和生物除草剂研发”课题“新型高效调节植物生长和除草功能菌株及代谢产物的发掘利用” (编号2017YFD0201301,2017.7~2020.12);



      脱落酸研究与应用,谭红、周金燕主编. 马欣荣、罗笛撰写 “第八章 ABA调控的分子机制”,2014,(ISBN 978-7-03- 038579-6),2014年1月第一版.科学出版社,北京

      栾威, 李鑫雨, 代娅, 王艳, 李彩侠, 马欣荣*. 外源ABA对番茄抗性相关基因表达的影响. 应用与环境生物学报. (DOI:10.19675/j.cnki.1006-687x.2019.04036)

      魏春梅,栾威,陶向,代娅,王明秀,王艳,李彩侠,马欣荣*. 比较转录组研究钛离子对紫花苜蓿基因表达的影响. 应用与环境生物学报. 2019,25(01):117-127.

      范延芬,魏春梅,李彩侠,王 蕾,李鑫雨,马欣荣*. 光能变价离子钛对多种细菌的抑制作用. 应用与环境生物学报,2016,22 ( 6 ) : 1150-1155.

      唐晓梅,王艳,马东伟,程海洋,杨宏,栗丹,陶向,马欣荣*. 干旱胁迫下高羊茅基因组甲基化分析. 草业学报, 2015,24(4):164-173.

      Cai-Xia Li #, Yan-Fen Fan #, Wei Luan, Ya Dai, Ming-Xiu Wang, Chun-Mei Wei, Yan Wang, Xiang Tao, Ping Mao, Xin-Rong Ma*.Titanium ions inhibit the bacteria in vase solutions of freshly cut Gerbera and extend the flower longevity. Microbial Ecology, 2019, 77:967–979

      Xiang Tao, Ming-Xiu Wang, Ya Dai, Yan Wang, Yan-Fen Fan, Ping Mao and Xin-Rong Ma*. Identification and expression profile of CYPome in perennial ryegrass and tall fescue in response to temperature stress. Frontiers in plant science, 2017, Volume 8: Article 1519, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01519.

      Ya Dai, Ping Mao, Xiang Tao, Yan Wang, Chun-Mei Wei, Xin-Rong Ma*. Flexible shift on gene body methylation and transcription of LpCYP72A161 exposed to temperature stress in perennial ryegrass. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2017, 143:29-37.

      Hai-Yang Cheng?, Yan Wang?, Xiang Tao?, Yan-Fen Fan, Ya Dai, Hong Yang, Xin-Rong Ma*. Genomic profiling of exogenous abscisic acid-responsive microRNAs in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), BMC Genomics, 2016, 17:423, DOI 10.1186/s12864-016-2591-8.

      Yan Wang, Ya Dai, Xiang Tao, Jia-Zhen Wang, Hai-Yang Cheng, Hong Yang, Xin-Rong Ma*. Heat Heat shock factor genes of tall fescue and perennial ryegrass in response to temperature stress by RNA-Seq analysis. Frontiers in plant science, 2016, 6:1226.

      Xiang Tao?, Bin Yong?, Huan-Huan Shao, Xin-Rong Ma*. Molecular cloning and stress resistance analyses of a new proline-glycine-alanine-histidine-rich protein gene from Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam, Turkish Journal of Biology, 2016, DOI: 10.3906/biy-1509-76.

      Xiao-Mei Tang, Xiang Tao, Yan Wang, Dong Wei Ma, Dan Li, Hong Yang, Xin-Rong Ma *. Analysis of DNA Methylation of Perennial Ryegrass under Drought Using the Methylation- Sensitive Ampli?cation Polymorphism (MSAP) Technique, Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 2014, 289:1075-1084.

      Xiao-Mei Tang, Xiang Tao, Yan Wang, Dong Wei Ma, Dan Li, Hong Yang, Xin-Rong Ma *. Analysis of DNA Methylation of Perennial Ryegrass under Drought Using the Methylation- Sensitive Ampli?cation Polymorphism (MSAP) Technique, Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 2014, 289:1075-1084.

      Yan Wang, Xiang Tao, Xiao-Mei Tang, Liang Xiao, Jiao-long Sun, Xue-Feng Yan, Dan Li, Hong-Yuan Deng and Xin-Rong Ma*. Comparative transcriptome analysis of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) in response to exogenous abscisic acid. BMC genomics,2013,14:841.

      Yan Wang, Jie Zhang, Jian-Long Li, Xin-Rong Ma*. Exogenous hydrogen peroxide enhanced the thermotolerance of Festuca arundinacea and Lolium perenne by increasing the antioxidative capacity. Acta Physiol Plant, 2014, 36:2915–2924.

      Yan Wang, Xiang Tao, Xiao-Mei Tang, Liang Xiao, Jiao-long Sun, Xue-Feng Yan, Dan Li, Hong-Yuan Deng and Xin-Rong Ma*. Comparative transcriptome analysis of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) in response to exogenous abscisic acid. BMC genomics,2013,14:841.