陈槐 职 务:副所长 职 称:研究员 学 历:博士研究生
电 话: 传 真::028 82890536 通讯地址:四川省成都市天府新区群贤南街23号
邮政编码:610213 电子邮件:chenhuai@cib.ac.cn


     陈槐,博士,研究员/博导。2008年毕业于中科院成都生物研究所植物学专业,获理学博士学位,2009-2012年在重庆大学等单位进行博士后研究,并于其间在西北农林科技大学开展了研究工作,2012年作为研究员引进回中科院成都生物研究所。兼任国际湖沼学会林德曼奖委员会(2011-2014)、中国地理学会湖泊与湿地委员会(2016-)、中国生态学会湿地生态专业委员会(2018-)、Asiaflux学术指导委员会(2020-)等委员,中国湿地保护协会高原湿地专业委员会副主任委员(2019-),四川省植物学会副理事长(2020-); Global Change Biology2018-2020), Land Development & Degradation2018-),《应用与环境生物学报》(2019-),《植物生态学报》(2022-),《湿地科学》(2022-)等刊物编委。  

     主要从事于湿地与全球变化等方面的研究工作,主持完成10余项课题,在Nature Reviews Earth and EnvironmentPNAS, Global Change Biology等主流刊物上发表学术论文40余篇;入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才”、中国科学院“特聘研究员”、四川省“学术和技术带头人”等。 获得2020年度亚太经合组织“创新、研究与教育科学奖”。 


      (1) 泥炭沼泽生态模型:聚焦泥炭沼泽发育、碳循环过程及大自然贡献(NCP),构建基于机理与过程的泥炭沼泽生态模型,在区域和全球尺度进行模型模拟; 

      (2) 泥炭沼泽植物碳汇和土壤碳库维持机制:以泥炭藓等典型沼泽植物为研究对象,通过多组学手段和控制实验,揭示泥炭藓保水功能和碳汇维持的分子生物机制;聚焦泥炭地生物残体及矿物质,解析泥炭沼泽土壤碳库的维持机制。 

      (3) 泥炭沼泽碳循环过程与全球变化:依托大型全球变化控制实验,系统研究泥炭地生态系统的碳源-汇过程,揭示其生物地球化学机制。 







      Land Development & Degradation,《应用与环境生物学报》,《植物生态学报》,《湿地科学》等编委



      第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究子专题:典型湿地的水蓄积和碳固持的过程与机理 (2019-2024) 

      国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目: 若尔盖退化泥炭地甲烷厌氧氧化潜势及其功能微生物对氮沉降响应研究 (2019- 2021)







      Chen, H., P.J. Ju, X.L. Xu, N. Wu, Y.H. Gao, X.J. Feng, J.Q. Tian, S.L. Liu, Y.J. Zhang, C.P. Peng and Y.F. Wang. Carbon and nitrogen cycling on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 3,701–716 (2022).  

      Feng, H. L., J. H. Guo, X. H. Ma, M. H. Han, D. Kneeshaw, H. Sun, S. Malghani, H. Chen and W. F. Wang. Methane emissions may be driven by hydrogenotrophic methanogens inhabiting the stem tissues of poplar. New Phytologist 233, 182-193, doi:10.1111/nph.17778 (2022). 

      Liu, J. B., H. X. Liu, H. Chen, Z. C. Yu, S. L. Piao, J. P. Smol, J. F. Zhang, L. X. Huang, T. Wang, B. Yang, Y. Zhao and F. H. Chen. Anthropogenic warming reduces the carbon accumulation of Tibetan Plateau peatlands. Quaternary Science Reviews 281,doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107449 (2022). 

      Liu, X. W., W. Zhan, D. Zhu, N. Wu, Y. X. He and H. Chen. Seasonal and interannual dynamics of water vapor flux at a fen in the Zoige peatlands on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: four-year measurements. Journal of Hydrology 612, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.128058 (2022). 

      Yan, W. C., Y. Y. Wang, P. J. Ju, X. Y. Huang and H. Chen (2022). Water level regulates the rhizosphere priming effect on SOM decomposition of peatland soil.Rhizosphere 21, doi:10.1016/j.rhisph.2021.100455 (2022). 


      陈槐; 吴宁; 王艳芬; 杨刚; 鞠佩君; 朱单; 何奕忻; 朱求安; 高永恒; 刘欣蔚; 泥炭沼泽湿地研究的若干基本问题与研究简史, 中国科学: 地球科学, 2021, 51: 15-26 

      Chen, H., X. W. Liu, D. Xue, D. Zhu, W. Zhan, W. Li, N. Wu and G. Yang. Methane emissions during different freezing-thawing periods from a fen on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: Four years of measurements. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 297, doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2020.108279 (2021). 

      Huang, X. Y., Liu, X. W., Liu, J. L. & Chen, H. Iron-bound organic carbon and their determinants in peatlands of China. Geoderma 391, doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.114974 (2021). 

      Liu, X. W., D. Zhu, W. Zhan, H. Chen, Q. A. Zhu, J. Zhang, N. Wu and Y. X. He. Dominant influence of non-thawing periods on annual CO2 emissions from Zoige peatlands: Five-year eddy covariance analysis. Ecological Indicators 129, doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.107913 (2021). 

      Wang, H. J., J. Q. Tian, H. Chen, M. C. Ho, R. Vilgalys, Z. J. Bu, X. Z. Liu and C. J. Richardson. Vegetation and microbes interact to preserve carbon in many wooded peatlands. Communications Earth & Environment 2, doi:10.1038/s43247-021-00136-4 (2021). 

      Xue, D., H. Chen, W. Zhan, X. Y. Huang, Y. X. He, C. A. Zhao, D. Zhu and J. L. Liu. How do water table drawdown, duration of drainage, and warming influence greenhouse gas emissions from drained peatlands of the Zoige Plateau? Land Degradation & Development 32, 3351-3364, doi:10.1002/ldr.4013 (2021). 

      Zhu, D., N. Wu, N. Bhattarai, K. P. Oli, H. Chen, G. S. Rawat, I. Rashid, M. Dhakal, S. Joshi, J. Q. Tian, Q. A. Zhu, S. Chaudhary and K. Tshering. Methane emissions respond to soil temperature in convergent patterns but divergent sensitivities across wetlands along altitude. Global Change Biology 27, 941-955, doi:10.1111/gcb.15454 (2021). 


      Li, W., H. Chen, Z. Y. Yan, G. Yang, J. P. Rui, N. Wu and Y. X. He. Variation in the Soil Prokaryotic Community Under Simulated Warming and Rainfall Reduction in Different Water Table Peatlands of the Zoige Plateau. Frontiers in Microbiology 11, doi:10.3389/fmicb.2020.00343 (2020). 

      Liu, L. J., H. Chen, Z. C. Yu, D. Zhu, Y. X. He, J. L. Liu, Q. A. Zhu, X. W. Liu and L. F. Liu. Peatland development and carbon dynamics since the Last Glacial Maximum in the Hengduan Mountains Region. Catena 190, doi:10.1016/j.catena.2020.104525 (2020). 

      Wang, J. Y., Q. Zhu, Y. Yang, X. Zhang, J. Zhang, M. S. Yuan, H. Chen and C. H. Peng. High uncertainties detected in the wetlands distribution of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau based on multisource data. Landscape and Ecological Engineering 16, 47-61, doi:10.1007/s11355-019-00402-w (2020). 

      Zhang, J., Q. A. Zhu, M. S. Yuan, X. W. Liu, H. Chen, C. H. Peng, M. Wang, Z. N. Yang, L. Jiang and P. X. Zhao. Extrapolation and Uncertainty Evaluation of Carbon Dioxide and Methane Emissions in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Wetlands Since the 1960s. Frontiers in Earth Science 8, doi:10.3389/feart.2020.00361 (2020). 

      Zhong, Q. P., D. Xue, H. Chen, L. F. Liu, Y. X. He, D. Zhu and Z. L. He. Structure and distribution of nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation bacteria vary with water tables in Zoige peatlands. Fems Microbiology Ecology 96, doi:10.1093/femsec/fiaa039 (2020). 


      Liu, L. F., H. Chen, L. Jiang, W. Zhan, J. Hu, Y. X. He, J. L. Liu, D. Xue, D. Zhu, C. Zhao and G. Yang. Response of anaerobic mineralization of different depths peat carbon to warming on Zoige plateau. Geoderma 337, 1218-1226, doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2018.10.031 (2019). 

      Liu, L. J., H. Chen, X. W. Liu, Z. A. Yang, D. Zhu, Y. X. He and J. L. Liu. Contemporary, modern and ancient carbon fluxes in the Zoige peatlands on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Geoderma 352, 138-149, doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2019.06.008 (2019). 

      Liu, X. W., D. Zhu, W. Zhan, H. Chen, Q. A. Zhu, Y. B. Hao, W. J. Liu and Y. X. He. Five-Year Measurements of Net Ecosystem CO2 Exchange at a Fen in the Zoige Peatlands on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 124, 11803-11818, doi:10.1029/2019jd031429 (2019). 

      Liu, L. F., H. Chen, L. Jiang, J. Hu, W. Zhan, Y. X. He, D. Zhu, Q. P. Zhong and G. Yang. Water table drawdown reshapes soil physicochemical characteristics in Zoige peatlands. Catena 170, 119-128, doi:10.1016/j.catena.2018.05.025 (2018). 

      Wang, M., J. H. Wu, H. Chen, Z. C. Yu, Q. A. Zhu, C. H. Peng, N. J. Anderson and J. W. Luan. Temporal-spatial pattern of organic carbon sequestration by Chinese lakes since 1850. Limnology and Oceanography 63, 1283-1297, doi:10.1002/lno.10771 (2018). 

      Zhu, Q., C. H. Peng, P. Ciais, H. Jiang, J. X. Liu, P. Bousquet, S. Q. Li, J. Chang, X. Q. Fang, X. L. Zhou, H. Chen, S. R. Liu, G. H. Lin, P. Gong, M. Wang, H. Wang, W. H. Xiang and J. Chen. Interannual variation in methane emissions from tropical wetlands triggered by repeated El Nino Southern Oscillation. Global Change Biology 23, 4706-4716, doi:10.1111/gcb.13726 (2017). 

      Liu, L. F., H. Chen, Q. A. Zhu, G. Yang, E. X. Zhu, J. Hu, C. H. Peng, L. Jiang, W. Zhan, T. L. Ma, Y. X. He and D. Zhu. Responses of peat carbon at different depths to simulated warming and oxidizing. Science of the Total Environment 548, 429-440, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.11.149 (2016). 

      Wang, M., H. Chen, Z. C. Yu, J. H. Wu, Q. A. Zhu, C. H. Peng, Y. F. Wang and B. Q. Qin. Carbon accumulation and sequestration of lakes in China during the Holocene. Global Change Biology 21, 4436-4448, doi:10.1111/gcb.13055 (2015). 

      Chen, H., G. Yang, C. H. Peng, Y. Zhang, D. Zhu, Q. A. Zhu, J. Hu, M. Wang, W. Zhan, E. X. Zhu, Z. Z. Bai, W. Li, N. Wu, Y. F. Wang, Y. H. Gao, J. Q. Tian, X. M. Kang, X. Q. Zhao and J. H. Wu. The carbon stock of alpine peatlands on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau during the Holocene and their future fate. Quaternary Science Reviews 95, 151-158, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.05.003 (2014). 

      Wang, Y. F., H. Chen, Q. Zhu, C. H. Peng, N. Wu, G. Yang, D. Zhu, J. Q. Tian, L. X. Tian, X. M. Kang, Y. X. He, Y. H. Gao and X. Q. Zhao. Soil methane uptake by grasslands and forests in China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 74, 70-81, doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2014.02.023 (2014). 

      Chen, H., Q. A. Zhu, C. H. Peng, N. Wu, Y. F. Wang, X. Q. Fang, Y. H. Gao, D. Zhu, G. Yang, J. Q. Tian, X. M. Kang, S. L. Piao, H. Ouyang, W. H. Xiang, Z. B. Luo, H. Jiang, X. Z. Song, Y. Zhang, G. R. Yu, X. Q. Zhao, P. Gong, T. D. Yao and J. H. Wu. The impacts of climate change and human activities on biogeochemical cycles on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Global Change Biology 19, 2940-2955, doi:10.1111/gcb.12277 (2013). 

      Chen, H., Q. A. Zhu, C. H. Peng, N. Wu, Y. F. Wang, X. Q. Fang, H. Jiang, W. H. Xiang, J. Chang, X. W. Deng and G. R. Yu. Methane emissions from rice paddies natural wetlands, lakes in China: synthesis new estimate. Global Change Biology 19, 19-32, doi:10.1111/gcb.12034 (2013). 

      Ma, Z. H., C. H. Peng, Q. A. Zhu, H. Chen, G. R. Yu, W. Z. Li, X. L. Zhou, W. F. Wang and W. H. Zhang. Regional drought-induced reduction in the biomass carbon sink of Canada's boreal forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109, 2423-2427, doi:10.1073/pnas.1111576109 (2012). 

      Chen, H., Zhu, Q. A., Wu, N., Wang, Y. F. & Peng, C. H. Delayed spring phenology on the Tibetan Plateau may also be attributable to other factors than winter and spring warming. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108, E93-E93, doi:10.1073/pnas.1100091108 (2011). 

      Peng, C. H., Z. H. Ma, X. D. Lei, Q. Zhu, H. Chen, W. F. Wang, S. R. Liu, W. Z. Li, X. Q. Fang and X. L. Zhou. A drought-induced pervasive increase in tree mortality across Canada's boreal forests. Nature Climate Change 1, 467-471, doi:10.1038/nclimate1293 (2011). 

      Chen, H., S. P. Yao, N. Wu, Y. F. Wang, P. Luo, J. Q. Tian, Y. H. Gao and G. Sun. Determinants influencing seasonal variations of methane emissions from alpine wetlands in Zoige Plateau and their implications. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 113, doi:10.1029/2006jd008072 (2008).