占国强 职 务: 职 称:副研究员 学 历:博士研究生
电 话:028-82890209 传 真: 通讯地址:成都市人民南路四段9号
邮政编码:610041 电子邮件:zhangq@cib.ac.cn


      占国强,副研究员,硕士生导师,四川省杰出青年基金获得者,入选中国科学院青年创新促进会、中国科学院“西部之光-西部青年学者A类”人才培养计划(终期评估优秀)、中国科学院“西部之光-西部博士”人才培养计划(2012年)、中国科学院“西部之光”交叉团队与院重点实验室“青年创新团队”,获四川省委组织部人才专项支持。分别于四川大学、中国科学院研究生院,获理学硕士、博士学位,获“中国科学院朱李月华优秀博士生”奖。主要从事环境微生物、微生物电化学、水污染防控、废弃物资源化与能源化研究,在电活性微生物电子传递机制、新型生物脱氮除磷技术、微生物电化学强化碳氮偶联降解、水质生物毒性传感监测、高效氮磷菌制剂产品研制、生活黑灰水关键技术开发与工程应用方面积累了丰富的经验,发表论文30篇(其中IF > 10, 3篇),申请发明专利7件,授权发明专利5件,完成四川省科技成果登记3项,获四川省科技进步三等奖1项,研究开发的“膜生物电解(MBEs)”一体化污水处理装置已在农村户用联用等分散式污水以及旅游景区生态厕所污水处理中应用推广。主持国家自然科学基金、中国科学院仪器研制项目、中国科学院西部之光、四川省科技支撑项目、成都市科技惠民项目、中国博士后面上项目、院重点实验室项目以及企业委托项目20余项。 








      1). 中国科学院科研仪器设备研制项目,基于微生物电化学技术的生物毒性监测系统,YJKYYQ20200006,主持,2021-2022 



      4).中国科学院“西部之光-西部青年学者A类”, 分散型生活污水微生物电解一体化处理装置及应用, 2017XBZG_XBQNXZ_A1007,主持,2018-2021 








      12).中国科学院“西部之光-西部博士”, 尿液微生物燃料电池脱氮产能研究,主持,2013-2015. 











      1). Cui, M., Gu, W., Yang, X., Li, D., Zhang, L., Yang, N., Wang, X. and Zhan, G*., Microbial electrochemical driven anaerobic ammonium oxidation coupling to denitrification in a single-chamber stainless steel reactor for simultaneous nitrogen and carbon removal. Bioelectrochemistry  2022, 145, 108097. 

      2). Wang, J.; Yang, X.; Cui, M.; Liu, Y.; Li, X.; Zhang, L.; Zhan, G*., A high-sensitive and durable electrochemical sensor based on Geobacter-dominated biofilms for heavy metal toxicity detection. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2022, 206, 114146 

      3). Li, X.; Yang, X.; Cui, M.; Liu, Y.; Wang, J.; Zhang, L.; Zhan, G*., A novel electrochemical sensor based on nitrite-oxidizing bacteria for highly specific and sensitive detection of nitrites. Sci Total Environ, 2022, 826,154178. 

      4). Wu, H.; Li, A.; Wang, J.; Li, X.; Cui, M.; Yang, N.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, L.; Wang, X.; Zhan, G*., A novel electrochemical sensor based on autotropic and heterotrophic nitrifying biofilm for trichloroacetic acid toxicity monitoring. Environ Res, 2022, 210, 112985. 

      5). Zhang, L., Tian, C., Wang, H., Gu, W., Zheng, D., Cui, M., Wang, X., He, X., Zhan, G*. and Li, D*. Improving electroautotrophic ammonium production from nitrogen gas by simultaneous carbon dioxide fixation in a dual-chamber microbial electrolysis cell. Bioelectrochemistry 2022, 144, 108044. 

      6). Wu, H., Cui, M., Yang, N., Liu, Y., Wang, X., Zhang, L. and Zhan, G*. Aerobic biocathodes with potential regulation for ammonia oxidation with concomitant cathodic oxygen reduction and their microbial communities. Bioelectrochemistry 2022, 144, 107997. 

      7). Yang, N., Tao, Y., Wang, X., Zhan, G., He, X., Zhang, L., Li, W., Ding, Y. and Li, D. Impact of low temperature on ex situ nitritation/in situ denitritation in field pilot-scale landfill for postclosure care of leachate treatment and gas content. Waste Manag 2021, 131, 61-71. 

      8). Yang, N., Zhan, G., Luo, H., Xiong, X. and Li, D. Integrated simultaneous nitrification/denitrification and comammox consortia as efficient biocatalysts enhance treatment of domestic wastewater in different up-flow bioelectrochemical reactors. Bioresour Technol 2021, 339, 125604. 

      9). Yang, N., Zhou, Q., Zhan, G., Liu, Y., Luo, H. and Li, D. Comparative evaluation of simultaneous nitritation/denitritation and energy recovery in air-cathode microbial fuel cells (ACMFCs) treating low C/N ratio wastewater. Sci Total Environ 2021, 788, 147652. 

      10). Yang, N.; Liu, H.; Jin, X.; Li, D.; Zhan, G*., One-pot degradation of urine wastewater by combining simultaneous halophilic nitrification and aerobic denitrification in air-exposed biocathode microbial fuel cells (AEB-MFCs). Sci Total Environ 2020, 748, 141379. 

      11). Jiang, Y.; Liang, Q.; Chu, N.; Hao, W.; Zhang, L*.; Zhan, G*.; Li, D.; Zeng, R. J., A slurry electrode integrated with membrane electrolysis for high-performance acetate production in microbial electrosynthesis. Sci Total Environ 2020, 741, 140198. 

      12). Yang, N.; Liu, H*.; Zhan, G*.; Li, D., Sustainable ammonia-contaminated wastewater treatment in heterotrophic nitrifying/denitrifying microbial fuel cell. Journal of Cleaner Production 2020, 245, 118923. 

      13). Zhan Guoqiang., Bioelectrochemical Ammonium Production – Nitrogen Removal and Recovery in BES, 2020-07, Wiley Online Library. 

      14). Yang, N#.; Zhan, G#.; Li, D.; Wang, X.; He, X.; Liu, H., Complete nitrogen removal and electricity production in Thauera-dominated air-cathode single chambered microbial fuel cell. Chemical Engineering Journal 2019, 356, 506-515.4.  

      15). Li, Z.; Zhang, Q.; Jiang, Q.; Zhan, G.; Li, D., The enhancement of iron fuel cell on bio-cathode denitrification and its mechanism as well as the microbial community analysis of bio-cathode. Bioresour Technol 2019, 274, 1-8. 

      16). Yang, N., Zhan, G.Q*., Li, D.P., He, X.H., Zhang, Y.Y., Jiang, Q.R., Liu, H. and Wang, C. Performance and microbial community of a novel non-aeration-based up-flow bioelectrochemical filter (UBEF) treating real domestic wastewater. Chemical Engineering Journal 2018,348, 271-280. 

      17). Yang, N., Zhan, G.Q*., Wu, T.T., Zhang, Y.Y., Jiang, Q.R., Li, D.P*. and Xiang, Y.Y. Effect of air-exposed biocathode on the performance of a Thauera-dominated membraneless single-chamber microbial fuel cell (SCMFC). Journal of Environmental Sciences 2018, 66, 216-224. 

      18). Yin, Q., Zhu, X.Y., Zhan, G.Q., Bo, T., Yang, Y.F., Tao, Y., He, X.H., Li, D.P. and Yan, Z.Y. Enhanced methane production in an anaerobic digestion and microbial electrolysis cell coupled system with co-cultivation of Geobacter and Methanosarcina. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2016,42, 210-214. 

      19). Zhan, G.Q*., Li, D.P., Tao, Y., Zhu, X.Y., Zhang, L.X., Wang, Y.J. and He, X.H. Ammonia as carbon-free substrate for hydrogen production in bioelectrochemical systems. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2014,39(23), 11854-11859. 

      20). Zhan, G.Q*., Zhang, L.X., Tao, Y., Wang, Y.J., Zhu, X.Y. and Li, D.P. Anodic ammonia oxidation to nitrogen gas catalyzed by mixed biofilms in bioelectrochemical systems. Electrochimica Acta 2014,135, 345-350. 

      21). Jiang, Y., Su, M., Zhang, Y., Zhan, G.Q., Tao, Y. and Li, D.P. Bioelectrochemical systems for simultaneously production of methane and acetate from carbon dioxide at relatively high rate. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2013,38(8), 3497-3502. 

      22). Zhan, G.Q., Li, D.P. and Zhang, L. Aerobic bioreduction of nickel(II) to elemental nickel with concomitant biomineralization. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2012, 96(1), 273-281. 

      23). Zhan, G.Q., Zhang, L.X., Li, D.P., Su, W.T., Tao, Y. and Qian, J.W. Autotrophic nitrogen removal from ammonium at low applied voltage in a single-compartment microbial electrolysis cell. Bioresource Technology 2012,116, 271-277. 

      24). Qian, J.W., Li, D.P., Zhan, G.Q., Zhang, L., Su, W.T. and Gao, P. Simultaneous biodegradation of Ni-citrate complexes and removal of nickel from solutions by Pseudomonas alcaliphila. Bioresource Technology 2012,116, 66-73. 

      25). Su, W.T., Zhang, L.X., Li, D.P., Zhan, G.Q., Qian, J.W. and Tao, Y. Dissimilatory nitrate reduction by Pseudomonas alcaliphila with an electrode as the sole electron donor. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 2012,109(11), 2904-2910. 

      26). Su, W.T., Zhang, L.X., Tao, Y., Zhan, G.Q., Li, D.X. and Li, D.P. Sulfate reduction with electrons directly derived from electrodes in bioelectrochemical systems. Electrochemistry Communications 2012, 22, 37-40. 

      27). 康岱,崔梦瑶,杨暖,丁祥*,李大平,张礼霞,占国强*. 电极电势调控对氨氧化脱氮与生物膜电活性的影响[J]. 应用与环境生物学报, 2020, 26(05):1-11. 

      28). 李建, 占国强, 王娟,. 生物电解池氨氧化脱氮产能[J]. 应用与环境生物学报, 2014, 20(6):1058-1062. 

      29). 杨薇薇, 张亮, 占国强,. 假单胞菌MBR还原钛()合成钛纳米粒子[J]. 应用与环境生物学报, 2012, 18(2):276-280. 

      30). 占国强. 微生物电解池体系中阳极氨氧化偶联阴极反硝化[C] 第十五次全国环境微生物学学术研讨会. 2012.  

      31). 张亮, 何晓红, 张礼霞,. 一株假单胞菌MBR对亚碲酸盐的好氧还原特征[J]. 应用与环境生物学报, 2011, 17(1):126-129. 

      32). 占国强, 王晓梅, 何晓红,. 高温自养硝化反硝化工艺研究[J]. 应用与环境生物学报, 2010, 16(1):122-125. 

      33). 付宁, 贾志国, 占国强,. 光合菌群利用丁酸产氢的初步研究[J]. 四川大学学报(自然科学版), 2010, 47(1):179-184. 


      1). 一种微生物燃料电池及其用于处理废水的方法. 占国强, 杨暖,何晓红,李大平. ZL201510605166.0 

      2). 一种微生物电化学原位沼气脱硫的方法. 占国强,何晓红,杨暖,李大平. ZL201510605467.3 

      3). 一种生物电化学脱氮反应器及其使用方法. 李大平,占国强,陶勇,张礼霞.  ZL 201110271646.X 

      4). 一种生物电化学偶联脱氮装置和方法. 李大平,陶勇,何晓红,张礼霞,占国强. ZL 201010204242.5  

      5). 一种铁黄晶种的生物制备方法.王玉建 ,李大平,何晓红,刘婵,占国强. ZL201410043443.9