朱晓敏 职 务: 职 称:助理研究员 学 历:
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    (1)国家自然科学基金青年项目资助, 31901131, 氮沉降下西南亚高山针叶林根系分泌物对土壤氮循环关键过程影响的微生物机制研究,2020/01-2023/12, 25万元, 在研;
    (2)绵阳师范学院生态安全与保护四川省重点实验室开放项目,ESP1702,氮添加对西南亚高山灌丛生态系统根际/非根际土壤氮库与氮动态的影响,2017/01-2019/12,3.5万元, 在研



    • Xiaomin Zhu, Ziliang Zhang, Dongyan Liu, Yongping Kou, Qian Zheng, Mei Liu, Juan Xiao, Qing Liu,  Huajun Yin Differential impacts of nitrogen addition on rhizosphere and bulk soil carbon sequestration in an alpine shrubland. Journal of Ecology, 2020, doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.13417.
    • Xiaomin Zhu#, Mei Liu#, Yongping Kou, Dongyan Liu, Qing Liu, Ziliang Zhang, Zheng Jiang, Huajun Yin* Differential effects of N addition on the stoichiometry of microbes and extracellular enzymes in the rhizosphere and bulk soils of an alpine shrubland. Plant and Soil, 2020, doi: 10.1007/s11104-020-04468-6.
    • Xiaomin Zhu, Hao Chen, Wei Zhang, Juan Huang, Shenglei Fu, Zhanfeng Liu, Jiangming Mo* Effects of nitrogen addition on litter decomposition and nutrient release in two tropical plantations with N2-fixing vs. non-N2-fixing tree species. Plant and Soil, 2016, 399(1-2): 61-74.
    • Xiaomin Zhu, Wei Zhang, Hao Chen, Jiangming Mo* Impacts of nitrogen deposition on soil nitrogen cycling in forest ecosystems: A review. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2015, 35(3): 35-43.
    • W. Zhang, X. Zhu, Y. Lou, R. Rafique, H. Chen, J. Huang, J. Mo* Responses of nitrous oxide emissions to nitrogen and phosphorus additions in two tropical plantations with N-fixing vs. non-N-fixing tree species. Biogeosciences, 2014, 11: 4941-4951.
    • Wei Zhang, Xiaomin Zhu, Lei Liu, Shenglei Fu, Hao Chen, Juan Huang, Xiankai Lu, Zhanfeng Liu, Jiangming Mo*, Large difference of inhibitive effect of nitrogen deposition on soil methane oxidation between plantations with N-fixing tree species and non-N-fixing tree species, JGR Biogeosciences, 2012, 117, G00N16, doi: 10.1029/2012JG002094
    • H. Chen, W. Zhang, G.A. Gurmesa, X. Zhu, D. Li & J. Mo* Phosphorus addition affects soil nitrogen dynamics in a nitrogen-saturated and two nitrogen-limited forests. European Journal of Soil Science, 2017, doi: 10.1111/ejss.12428
    • Mianhai Zheng, Hao Chen, Dejun Li, Xiaomin Zhu, Wei Zhang, Shenglei Fu, Jiangming Mo* Biological nitrogen fixation and its response to nitrogen input in two mature tropical plantations with and without legume trees. Biol Fertil Soils, 216, 52:665-674.
    • Mianhai Zheng, Dejun Li, Xing Lu, Xiaomin Zhu, Wei Zhang, Juan Huang, Shenglei Fu, Xianai Lu, Jiangming Mo* Effects of phosphorus addition with and without nitrogen addition on biological nitrogen fixation in tropical legume and non-legume tree plantations. Biogeochemistry, 2016, 131:65-76
    • Hao Chen, Geshere A, Gurmesa, Wei Zhang, Xiaomin Zhu, Mianhai Zheng, Qinggong Mao, Tao Zhang and Jiangming Mo* Nitrogen saturation in humid tropical forests after 6 years of nitrogen and phosphorus additions: hypothesis testing. Functional Ecology, 2016, 30, 305-313.
    • Juan Huang, Wei Zhang, Xiaomin Zhu, Frank S. Gilliam, Hao Chen, Xiankai Lu, Jiangming Mo* Urbanization in China changes the composition and main sources of wet inorganic nitrogen deposition. Environ Sci Pollut Res, 2015, 22:6526-6534



      朱晓敏,尹华军,刘庆. Chapter 4  增温下根系分泌物与土壤N转化的生态反馈效应. 主编: 尹华军, 刘庆,森林根系分泌物生态学研究. 科学出版社,北京,2019.



      尹华军,蒋峥,朱晓敏,刘庆,刘冬艳,赵文强. 土壤同位素标记用多孔进样器. 专利号:ZL 2018 2 1495974. 1. 获批时间:20191015